An adverb is a word that can modify or describe a verb, adjective, another adverb, or entire sentence.
An adverb is a word that can modify or describe a verb, adjective, another adverb, or entire sentence. Adverbs can be used to show manner (how something happens), degree (to what extent), place (where), and time (when).
Adverbs normally help paint a fuller picture by describing how something happens, such as
- When? She always arrives early.
- How? He drives carefully.
- Where? They go everywhere together.
- In what way? She eats slowly.
- To what extent? It is terribly hot.
English | Arabic |
Later | فِيْمَا بَعْد |
tonight | هَذِه الْلَّيْلَة |
right now | فِي الْوَقْت الْحَالِي |
last night | لَيْلَة أَمْس |
this morning | هَذَا الْصَّبَاح |
next week | الْأُسْبُوْع الْمُقْبِل |
already | سَابِقَا |
recently | مُؤَخَّرا |
lately | مُؤَخَّرا |
soon | قَرِيْبا |
immediately | فَوْرَا |
still | لَا يَزَال |
yet | بَعْد |
ago | مُنْذ |
adverbs of place | ظُرُوْف مَكَان |
here | هُنَا |
there | هُنَاك |
over there | هُنَاك |
everywhere | فِي كُل مَكَان |
anywhere | فِي أَي مَكَان |
nowhere | لَا مَكَان |
home | مُنَزَّل |
away | بَعِيْدا |
out | خَارِج |
adverbs of manner | ظُرُوْف مِن الْطَّرِيْقَة |
very | جَدَّا |
quite | تَمَامَا |
pretty | جَمِيْل |
really | حَقّا |
fast | سَرِيْع |
well | جَيِّد |
hard | الثَّابِت |
quickly | بِسُرْعَة |
slowly | بِبُطْء |
carefully | بِعِنَايَة |
hardly | بِالْكَاد |
barely | بِالْكَاد |
mostly | فِي الْغَالِب |
almost | تَقْرَيْبَا |
absolutely | إِطْلاقَا |
yesterday | أَمْس |
today | الْيَوْم |
tomorrow | غَدا |
now | الْآَن |
then | ثُم |